KNOW MORE Money! lets families chat with some of Canada’s most financially savvy experts


Families eligible for the Canada Learning Bond are raising children on incomes of less than $50,000. Their knowledge of, and experience with, financial programs and products might be limited. As a result, they might be missing out on opportunities that could benefit their families or be vulnerable to products that could cost them. As part of SmartSAVER’s commitment to assist families to become more informed financial consumers, we’re introducing a new online speaker series this summer, called Know More Money!

Know More Money! will bring Canada’s best financial thinking to a financially challenged audience, offering tips on saving, spending and investing that are relevant to consumers with no money to spare. The series will be offered in a simple chat room format, allowing participants to get tips and to have their questions answered by our featured expert.

Our June 16th launch event guest is award-winning entrepreneur and author Teresa Cascioli from M is for Money! Teresa will answer participant questions about financial topics, and teaching children about money.

Promote this event among the families you serve and give them the opportunity to chat directly with a recognized financial expert about money issues.  

How to participate

  • Join us at on June 16th at 7 PM EST.
  • Read our welcome message in the chat box.
  • Log in by selecting “Set your name” in the bottom right hand corner of the chat box.
  • Participate by entering a question in the text box and press ‘Enter’.