IN THE NEWS: March 6, 2017

Today’s news includes articles about tax benefits and poverty from various news sources.

5 reasons you won’t get children’s fitness and arts tax credits for 2017. CBC News. March 6, 2017.
Liberals said phase-out simplifies tax code, but recent report outlines other reasons for move.

Poverty hard on B.C. students and teachers, educator says.
CBC News. March 2, 2017.
Children from low-income families can’t concentrate in the classroom and it takes a toll on teachers. 

Saskatoon Food Bank provides free tax services.
CTV News Saskatoon. March 3, 2017.
For more than 30 years, the Saskatoon Food Bank & Learning Centre has helped people file their taxes through its Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP).

Food4Kids to start feeding hungry kids on weekends after March Break. CBC News Kitchener-Waterloo. March 4, 2-17.
There are already existing programs to help feed low-income and disadvantaged children at schools during the week, but Food4Kids will provide food for kids to take home on weekends and holidays. 

The Red Worn Runners; Intentional conversations with Indigenous youth.
Canadian Education Association. February 28, 2017.
As I created a conversational space and invited each of those 250 students, one by one, into conversation with me, they began to feel that their voices were being heard and honoured with a response.

Students prove they can handle the heat.
Coast Reporter. March 4, 2017.
The program is run through a partnership with School District No. 46 and Vancouver Island University giving students in high school access to university level courses and the corresponding certification.

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