IN THE NEWS: March 3, 2017

Today’s news includes articles about payday loans, post secondary costs, and access to education, from various news sources.

Time for Ontario to ban predatory payday loan operators: Opinion
TheStar. March 3, 2017.
Hamilton’s new regulations — a first of its kind in Ontario — require payday loan outlets to pay a licensing fee, post the actual annualized interest rates and require staff to provide city-sanctioned information on credit counselling services. 

Parents of post-secondary graduates bear debt burden.
InsideTO. March 2, 2017.
Launching the next generation is a role families have traditionally played, said Nora Spinks, CEO of the Vanier Institute of the Family. But tuition and living expenses have skyrocketed.

Talk With Our Kids About Money award given to New Brunswick teacher. Facebook post.  March 2, 2017.
Teacher from Nashwaaksis Middle School recognized by Scotiabank for her great work promoting the Talk With Our Kids About Money program.

The Push to Revamp Nunavut’s Education System.
Arctic Deeply. February 28, 2017.
“This territory has a very young population, and education has a big role within this community to ensure that our language is strong and our students are well-educated…”

5 Ways Families Can Get a Tax Break. February 28, 2017.
It goes without saying that having and raising a family IS expensive. So taking full advantage of all tax breaks whenever possible is a MUST. 

For kids’ sake, buy a burger.
Salmon Arm Observer. March 1, 2017.
The only thing that has increased at the Shuswap Children’s Association is the number of clients. 

Project SHARE gets boost of more than $20K from Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser in Niagara Falls.
Niagara This Week. February 27, 2017.
“We’re grateful we have a community out here supporting us and to help supply emergency food to those in need in Niagara Falls…” 

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