IN THE NEWS: December 5, 2016

Today’s news includes articles about access to education, income tax and government funding, from various news sources including The Huffington Post and The Toronto Star Newspaper.

Life After High School: Nudging Students to Increase PSE Enrolment.
Service Research Conference. November 28, 2016.

Pinball Clemons steps up with funds to help at-risk youth finish high school.
The Toronto Star Newspaper. December 5, 2016.

Groups urge premier to remove barriers for disabled students.
The Toronto Star Newspaper. December 5, 2016.

‘Shadow System’ Of Tax Breaks For The Rich Costs Canada Billions: Study.  
The Huffington Post. December 5, 2016.

Partner News
Sistema New Brunswick
Sistema NB Makes A Difference Through Musical Education.
The Brunswickan. December 2, 2016.

Mustard Seed
Victoria family finds refuge at food bank after fire.
CBC British Columbia. December 2, 2016.

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