#EveryChildAnRESP Mommy Blogger: Inspiring our kids to think about school and career plans

This post was originally published on CanadianMomEh, October 3, 2016, as part of SmartSAVER’s 2016 #EveryChildAnRESP Back to School campaign. We thank CanadianMomEh for participating and amplifying our education savings message to help us reach more parents.

I remember being in the hospital the day after my daughter was born. The woman in the hospital bed next to me leaned over and asked me if I decided where to start my baby’s RESP (that’s what she did for a living). I looked at her blankly and told her that the thought had not even crossed my mind. Fast forward a decade later and the thought of my children’s RESP’s is front row center in my mind. I’m thankful for services like SmartSAVER’s How to Start Page and the Canada Learning Bond.

Read complete blog post on CanadianMomEh.