Our daily blog offers selected news of interest to SmartSAVER’s stakeholders and shines a light on the creative ways that communities are promoting the Canada Learning Bond. Stay up to date, read what others are doing and share your own story.


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#EveryChildAnRESP Mommy Blogger: Why is saving for your kids’ education important?

This post was originally published on MomLess Mom’s blog, October 10, 2016, as part of SmartSAVER’s 2016 #EveryChildAnRESP Back to School campaign. We thank Vinma for participating and amplifying our message to reach more Canadian parents.

My youngest started school this year.

Taking bus ride with her brother and making new friends at school is very exciting for her. Not to mention, the Frozen backpack and shoes does inspire my daughter to get up and blend into her new routine every day without much fuss.Open an RESP today and Start Planning for your Kids' future

And her big brother? He voluntarily signed up to become the guide and protector of his little sister in the bus and at school. Quite a promotion, I think he is proud of his new position and does it really well too!

Now with both kids at school, I am like any other parent thinking more and more about their educational and financial future.  Post secondary education is a big expense, no kidding! While paying for it is a great investment for your child’s future, Canadian tuition fees and other education-related expenses continue to climb.This makes it difficult for many families to fund the cost, especially if there’s more than one child involved.

The other day, I was reading upon some statistics and it was a rude awakening to what must be done. Allow me to share some staggering numbers with you…

Read complete article.

By Vinma Joseph, creator of MomLess Mom.


Today’s news includes articles about Payday loans, and poverty in care from various sources including Toronto Star, and CNW News.

Authentic voices are front and centre as United Way helps Toronto tackle poverty.
Toronto Star Newspapers. October 31, 2016.

Pushing for financial literacy in the classroom.
Toronto Star Newspapers. November 1, 2016.

Central Okanagan Foundation funds program to help elementary students develop financial literacy.
The Daily Courier. November 1, 2016.  

Payday loans on the rise, and not just among low-income Canadians.
Business News Network.  November 1, 2016.

Save the Camp! — Using game-based learning to improve financial literacy (Media Kit). SaveTheCamp.ca. November 1, 2016.

Money tips for newcomers for November: Financial Literacy Month in Canada.
Canadian Immigrant.  November 1, 2016.

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