Our daily blog offers selected news of interest to SmartSAVER’s stakeholders and shines a light on the creative ways that communities are promoting the Canada Learning Bond. Stay up to date, read what others are doing and share your own story.


We hope our blog will create conversation and support the exchange of ideas.

We’d love to hear from you! Tell us about your CLB promotion or share tips to engage eligible families. Do you have a question for the community? Submit your stories, ideas and questions to info@SmartSAVER.org and we’ll share it on our blog.

My Summer Promoting the Canada Learning Bond

When I first applied for the position of Community Promotions Assistant with the Chatham-Kent Employment and Social Services, I had never heard of the Canada Learning Bond (CLB).

My research and understanding of the Canada Learning Bond only began when I started to prepare for my interview. Through many Google searches, I came to a basic understanding that the Canada Learning Bond is a government initiative that gave low- to moderate-income families free RESP (Registered Education Savings Plan) money.

I didn’t fully appreciate the mission that my supervisor Mary Alice had set out until I began my position in early May. For a whole week, I reviewed every single Canada Learning Bond item stored on the department’s database. I began to understand the importance of the Canada Learning Bond and how few people were accessing it. A lot of work had already been completed but there was so much more to do.

This summer we attended multiple events, held info booths, provided CLB material and formed a clear and well thought-out work plan with a goal of 70% CLB participation by 2020.

I’ve held similar positions, but I’ve never been more passionate about a project until this summer. I enjoy promoting, advertising and event planning but this position helped me to see that I want to do this after I graduate. I see the Canada Learning Bond for the incredible opportunity that it is and I’ve made it my duty to relay this drive to every person I speak with. I feel I have a special passion for this because I am a university student and I wish that the Canada Learning Bond had been available while I was growing up.

The most rewarding part of this job has been meeting the people who have taken the initiative to sign-up. Through the cloud of people who don’t know about the Canada Learning Bond or haven’t had an opportunity to sign-up, there are a few that have been through the process and whose children now have a minimum of $500 in their RESP. I am overcome with happiness and pride when I meet these people. I know that those children are much more likely to reach their goals and achieve their dreams, which is the most heartwarming thought I could ever have.

Lydia Sanderson
Community Promotions Assistant
Chatham-Kent Employment and Social Services


City Collaborates on CLB Sign-Up Event

On Friday June 17, 2016, the City of Toronto hosted a Canada Learning Bond event.

With the help of Children’s Services, Parks, Forestry & Recreation, Public Health and Employment & Social Services, the event was promoted by mail and email, through social media, flyers in local centres and invitation to program participants.

More than 60 parents attended a workshop on the Canada Learning Bond and those that were able to enroll immediately received support from City staff to complete the application.

City divisions were on hand to provide information about complementary programs and services to support children’s ongoing educational needs. Service Canada offered information to parents on getting a Social Insurance Number for their child and Public Health provided interpreters to assist those in need of translation.

The Canada Learning Bond can be an effective first step for many families seeking to building assets for their children’s future and offers a valuable opportunity to engage families in discussing their financial management and planning. Events like the City of Toronto’s provides a supportive setting for many parents who either didn’t know about the Bond or were unsure about how to get it.  

This event is just one of many Canada Learning Bond events that have been delivered across Toronto since 2011 and that have contributed to Toronto’s growing awareness and participation in the Canada Learning Bond. Such collaborative events are a good approach that is applicable in many communities.

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