Our daily blog offers selected news of interest to SmartSAVER’s stakeholders and shines a light on the creative ways that communities are promoting the Canada Learning Bond. Stay up to date, read what others are doing and share your own story.


We hope our blog will create conversation and support the exchange of ideas.

We’d love to hear from you! Tell us about your CLB promotion or share tips to engage eligible families. Do you have a question for the community? Submit your stories, ideas and questions to info@SmartSAVER.org and we’ll share it on our blog.

Niagara Shares Incentive to Help Greater Community

Now that’s a great big cheque! Alan Caslin, The Chair of Niagara Region and Acting Commissioner of Community Services and Adrienne Jugley presented this great, BIG cheque worth almost $10,000 to the United Way Niagara Region earlier this year. HelpGreatertToronto
This contribution was made possible thanks to the Niagara Region’s efforts to increase local Canada Learning Bond (CLB) take-up. Their hard work combined with the SmartSAVER community incentive for each CLB application through SmartSAVER.org helped the United Way reach their campaign goal.

A recent update of Niagara’s CLB success showed interesting results of their efforts:

  • Since it began actively promoting the CLB, the Region has worked with 50 locally active community services, non-profits and government agencies to help more than 600 children access the free federal grant through the SmartSAVER.org online CLB application.
  • The promotion has broad impact: annual federal statistics showed an increase of 1,221 children in Niagara that registered for the CLB from March 2015-March 2016.
  • If every one of those children was eligible for the maximum $2,000, this could mean $2,442,000 for their post-secondary education.
  • Continued growth in the number of children eligible for the CLB makes it difficult for Niagara Region to reach the original goal of 40% take-up by December 2016, but results to date are showing promise. With last year’s improvement, take-up increased to 28.5% across the region by March 2016.

Watch for more CLB activity from the Niagara region!

Judy Sobchak and Maggie Penca
Community Engagement Coordinator & Manager of Compliance and Community Engagement, Homelessness and Community Engagement Division
Community Services Department

Smart Start Halton Works to Increase Local CLB Champions

As a part of our continuing efforts to increase the take-up rates for the Canada Learning Bond in Halton, the Smart Start Halton team is working to develop local champions in as many organizations and spaces that serve and interact with potentially eligible families. Our key messaging encourages educational savings and empowers families with greater knowledge about opportunities to access free federal money and matching grants for post-secondary education savings.

We hope to work with organizations, companies, or teams who want to help more kids to get their Canada Learning Bond.

Leena Sharma Seth, Director, Community Engagement
Halton Poverty Roundtable

SmartStart Halton Poster Champion event Oct 25

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