Today’s news includes articles about savings and post secondary education from various sources including CNW Group, Edmonton Journal, and TVO.


Post-secondary students can now pursue their careers with more money in their pockets. CNW Group. September. 15, 2016.

Alberta post-secondary student mental health programs receive $3.6 million funding.Edmonton Journal. September 15, 2016.

VIDEO: Ontario Tuition Reform. The Agenda with Steve Paikin.
TVO. Air Date: September 15, 2016.

Éducation : Québec lance une vaste consultation publique.
Le Devoir.
16 septembre 2016.

Infographic: Students and Family Finances in Canada.
Vanier Institute. September 2016.

Cyclists launch United Way ride at Orillia park.
Simcoe. September 15, 2016


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