Today’s news includes articles about financial literacy, and poverty in care from various sources including Calgary Herald, and Capital News.

Children’s Savings Accounts and and College Scholarships: The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship.
CFED Blog. October 27, 2016.

Project Literacy and Launch Kelowna to improve financial literacy.
Capital News. November 3, 2016

NWT Man Overcomes Hardships to Win Prestigious Literacy Award.
My Yellowknife Now. October 27, 2016.

Annapolis Valley dentists open clinic for low-income patients.
CBC News Nova Scotia.

Fortney: Financial literacy campaign walks the talk with prize money.
Calgary Herald. November 3, 2017


Innovation pilot enhances apprenticeship experience at Vancouver Island University.
BC Government website. November 3, 2016.

Financial literacy urged so Albertans can survive ‘booms and busts’.
CBC News. November 3, 2016

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