Our daily blog offers selected news of interest to SmartSAVER’s stakeholders and shines a light on the creative ways that communities are promoting the Canada Learning Bond. Stay up to date, read what others are doing and share your own story.


We hope our blog will create conversation and support the exchange of ideas.

We’d love to hear from you! Tell us about your CLB promotion or share tips to engage eligible families. Do you have a question for the community? Submit your stories, ideas and questions to info@SmartSAVER.org and we’ll share it on our blog.

I wish I had an RESP

I wish I had an RESP.  I just finished my post secondary studies and I am the first in my family to pursue post secondary. I think if my parents had known about RESPs, I would have felt more secure for the future.

Before joining the SmartSAVER team, RESPs and The Canada Learning Bond (CLB) were not in my vocabulary. Not only had I never heard of the CLB, I thought RESPs were some sort of trust fund.

Currently, I am an Intern at SmartSAVER.  I was amazed to learn that SmartSAVER’s goal was to get children RESPs so they could get their CLB. That was it. No catch. I was so impressed I wanted to bring SmartSAVER to my neighbourhood. If I did not know about it, I thought there could be others in the same boat.

I live in the Lawrence Heights community in Toronto. I decided to walk around the neighbourhood and talk to my neighbours at the park and community centre to see what they knew about RESPs and the CLB. Some of my assumptions were correct. No one I spoke with really knew about the CLB or RESPs.  Some have had RESPs with providers that required them to pay a monthly fee. Missing payments resulted in some percentage of their money being lost.

From what I could see, this was a community that could benefit from RESPs and the CLB, but that was nervous to accept it because of their fear of getting involved with banks. That fuelled my motivation to bring this to my neighbourhood.

I do not want any other child to feel the same way I did and to miss out on something. I am working on a project to bring awareness to families in my neighbourhood and to help them to open RESPs so they can receive their CLB.

In my next post I will share the outcomes of my project so stay tuned!

Ayan Samatar
Digital Intern, SmartSAVER

IN THE NEWS: September 12, 2016

Today’s news includes articles about poverty, access to food, and post secondary education from various sources including Radio Canada International, CBC News, Huffington Post, and the Montreal Gazette.

More Canadians living paycheque to paycheque.
Radio Canada International. September 8, 2016.

Creative Ways To Save For Your Child’s Post-Secondary Education.
Huffington Post.  September 9, 2016

Tuition bursary brings relief to some on New Brunswick campuses.
CBC News New Brunswick. September 9, 2016.

How and Why a Spending Diet Is Important for your Finances.
Montreal Gazette.  September 12, 2016.

29,000 kids eat healthy breakfast at Windsor-Essex schools.
CBC News Windsor. September 12, 2016.  

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