Our daily blog offers selected news of interest to SmartSAVER’s stakeholders and shines a light on the creative ways that communities are promoting the Canada Learning Bond. Stay up to date, read what others are doing and share your own story.


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We’d love to hear from you! Tell us about your CLB promotion or share tips to engage eligible families. Do you have a question for the community? Submit your stories, ideas and questions to info@SmartSAVER.org and we’ll share it on our blog.

IN THE NEWS: September 26, 2017

Today’s news includes information about the Canada Learning Bond, and post secondary student debt.

Parents, it’s time to stop leaving free money on the table
Metro News Canada. September 24, 2017.

‘It’s a big stress’: how to deal with student debt that keeps piling up
CBC News. September 19, 2017

77% of Canadian graduates have regrets about student debt: poll
Global News. September 20, 2017

B.C. students work more, owe more than other Canadian students
Vancouver Sun. September 20, 2017

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IN THE NEWS: September 19, 2017

Today’s news includes information about post secondary tuition, social mobility and income tax filing.

Social Outcomes in the Territories
Conference Board of Canada: How Canada Performs. July 2017.

Student aid overhaul: The new OSAP
The Star. September 19, 2017.

Done high school? Don’t know what’s next? New program aims to help the undecided
CBC Hamilton. September 14, 2017.

Stephen Gordon: Upper middle class parents are a force for social immobility
National Post. September 18, 2017.

Education Indicators in Canada, biannual
Statistics Canada. September 19, 2017.

Many low-income Canadians who don’t file taxes lose out on benefits
Metro. September 18, 2017.

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