Our daily blog offers selected news of interest to SmartSAVER’s stakeholders and shines a light on the creative ways that communities are promoting the Canada Learning Bond. Stay up to date, read what others are doing and share your own story.


We hope our blog will create conversation and support the exchange of ideas.

We’d love to hear from you! Tell us about your CLB promotion or share tips to engage eligible families. Do you have a question for the community? Submit your stories, ideas and questions to info@SmartSAVER.org and we’ll share it on our blog.

IN THE NEWS: JUNE 15, 2016

Today’s news includes articles about access to education, and poverty reduction, from various news sources including The Star, Yahoo Finance, and the Sackville Tribune Post.

Child benefit to pull record number of kids out of poverty, minister says.
The Star. June 15, 2016

Canadians more likely to save for kids’ education than parents in other countries.
Yahoo Finance. June 14, 2016

Mentorship program helps motivate students.
Nanaimo News Bulletin. June 14, 2016

Student financial assistance applications now available.
Sackville Tribune Post. June 14, 2016

Toronto public libraries, Google to offer free take-home WiFi.
CBC News. June 14, 2016

Visit our library for more articles.

MP Spotlights VIU’s commitment to the Canada Learning Bond in the House of Commons

Sheila Malcolmson is a great friend and supporter of Vancouver Island University and when she found out about the work that we were doing here to promote the Canada Learning Bond she had one question…what can I do to help? She often speaks about the program in the community that she serves and today she took her advocacy of the Canada Learning Bond to the House of Commons floor making a member statement about the CLB and calling upon more organizations to get involved in its promotion.

Thanks Sheila!

Rolanda Murray
Canada Learning Bond Coordinator
Vancouver Island University

Ms. Sheila Malcolmson (Nanaimo—Ladysmith, NDP) Congratulates Vancouver Island University on the floor of the House of Commons, June 10, 2016

“Mr. Speaker, congratulations to students graduating this week, and special shout-out to Vancouver Island University grads in my riding of Nanaimo—Ladysmith.

For many Canadians living in poverty, though, affordable education is increasingly inaccessible. However, studies show that compared to a child with no savings at all, a child from a low-income family with as little as $500 saved is four times more likely to get an education. The Canada Learning Bond is designed to give such hope–$2,000 worth–yet, the take-up has been very low.

Click video to listen to speech.

I am proud that Vancouver Island University has a full-time person dedicated to signing up low-income families and children in care. VIU goes to community centers and helps navigate the paperwork.

I challenge my colleagues and universities across the country to follow VIU’s lead. Let us help enroll students in the Canada learning bond. Let us help give real hope for access to education and jobs and give real hope for a better life.”

Ms. Sheila Malcolmson (Nanaimo—Ladysmith, NDP)

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