Our daily blog offers selected news of interest to SmartSAVER’s stakeholders and shines a light on the creative ways that communities are promoting the Canada Learning Bond. Stay up to date, read what others are doing and share your own story.


We hope our blog will create conversation and support the exchange of ideas.

We’d love to hear from you! Tell us about your CLB promotion or share tips to engage eligible families. Do you have a question for the community? Submit your stories, ideas and questions to info@SmartSAVER.org and we’ll share it on our blog.

IN THE NEWS: October 20, 2017

Today’s news includes articles about post secondary education from various news sources.

The Cost of a Canadian University Education in Six Charts
Maclean’s Magazine. October 19, 2017.

It’s Time for Canadians to Invest in the Education of Indigenous Youth
MyToba.ca. October 19, 2017.

Glimpses into the future of education
Amherst News Citizen-Record. October 20, 2017.

How to save for university at (almost) any age
MoneySense. October 20, 2017

New Video! What is the Canada Learning Bond?
omentum Calgary website. October 20, 2017.

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SmartSAVER Program Highlights 2016-2017

Canada Learning Bond enrollment and take-up rate continue to improve

Most recent Federal statistics (to June 30, 2017) show continued progress in CLB enrollment and take-up rate. Earlier in 2017, we celebrated the 1,000,000th child to receive a Canada Learning Bond (CLB). The CLB take-up rate across Canada is now nearing 36% and two provinces – BC and Quebec – have surpassed 40% take-up!

SmartSAVER’s partners get results

TDSB partner launch event

TDSB partner launch event

Behind the enrollment gains are the determined efforts of many community agencies, government programs and financial organizations who are raising awareness and helping families, one by one, to receive their children’s Bonds.

SmartSAVER partners with over 70 organizations across Canada.
Together, we’ve facilitated over 10,000 CLB applications through SmartSAVER’s online application. Partner and applicant surveys indicate:

• An 85% RESP opening rate among online applicants;
• A 72% success rate in applicants receiving the Canada Learning Bond;
• An $825 median value of Canada Learning Bond received; and
• 100% satisfaction among partners for SmartSAVER’s service and online application.

New research points to the impact of education savings

Omega FDN Parkin Research ImageIn a new study we published this year, researcher Andrew Parkin concluded:

“The link between family savings for PSE [post-secondary education] and PSE access and completion is clear, as is the link between savings and attitudes such as expectations for a child’s educational success. Research is now beginning to demonstrate that this link is more than just a correlation, but is also causal; that it is the presence of the savings that impacts the attitudes and behaviours.”

The Federal budget supports CLB enrollment

This year, with the support of our partners, SmartSAVER called on the Federal government to make funding available for community-based outreach and education. Our efforts succeeded with announcement in the 2017 Federal budget of $12.5 million over six years, starting in 2017-18. Funding will help more low-income families benefit from the Canada Learning Bond by working with community organizations and businesses to explore new ways to increase awareness of the program and reduce barriers to access. Contact the Canada Education Savings Program for more information.

Thank you to our foundation and financial institution partners

Partner fi

Thank you to our community partners (click on the thumbnail to view a larger image)Partner Logo Compilation


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