Career Trek incorporates the Canada Learning Bond into its programs

Career Trek Inc. is a not-for-profit organization that helps young people discover the importance of education and career development by providing career-oriented programming in educational settings across Manitoba. Through the use of hands-on activities and a belief in the power of education, Career Trek exposes children to occupations and professions that ignite their passion for learning and inspires them to recognize their own potential.

Career Trek envisions a Manitoba where everyone is able to realize their full career and education potential.  We realize, however, that the growing cost of funding post-secondary education can be a challenge and a deterrent, which is why we have incorporated Financial Literacy and Canada Learning Bond workshops right into our programs! Participants and their families learn how the Canada Learning Bond can help them achieve their education and career goals:

“What it means for me to have a Canada Learning Bond account open for my daughter is that when she decides to pursue her education she won’t have to feel stressed or have to settle for less because she will know that if she’s wanting to go to post-secondary she can access that money and upgrade her education.”

parent participant at Career Trek’s RESP workshop

By Lauren Reeves, Education Savings Coordinator
Career Trek Inc.

* This post was originally published on May 10, 2016.